Laws are made for men and not men for laws

Jean-Étienne-Marie Portalis

The firm

Specialising in tax law, our firm Touttée Conseil et Associés provides long-term and confidential support in their exceptional and day-to-day operations:

  • Businesses and families of all sizes
  • Law and accounting firms, private banks
  • Associations and endowment funds

We favour a close and quality relationship based on attentive listening to demand and an immediate pooling of our know-how and experience. In this context, we carry out a joint reflection with our clients combining rigorous analysis and creativity, with a view to providing the most appropriate response within the framework of the legislation in force.

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Our expertise

  • Companies and groups
  • Wealth management
  • Associative world
  • Control of tax and social disputes
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Notre équipe - Touttée Conseil & Associés

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Sujets de prédilection - Touttée Conseil & Associés

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Conferences and Training

The partners regularly participate in conferences with their tax colleagues, in which representatives of the tax authorities and/or the Council of State occasionally participate, and lead training courses within recognized organizations such as Lefebvre Dalloz Compétences or EFE.

Discover these animations
Conférences et Formations - Touttée Conseil & Associés
Touttée Conseil & Associés


For many years now, the firm has been paying and committing to donate more than 2% of its turnover to associations eligible for the sponsorship tax credit.

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