In Tax Law, the Firm assists:
- Companies in the context of their day-to-day activity, at all stages of their development (creation, acquisition, restructuring, sale, LBO, etc.) and in their relations with the tax authorities (accounting audits, negotiations, litigation, approvals, rulings, informal contacts, etc.).
- Individuals in the context of their professional activity (managers, management packages, expatriates, impatriates, etc.), in the management and transmission of their assets (Dutreil pacts, manual donations, dismemberments, etc.) and, of course, in their relations with the tax authorities (ESFP, negotiations, litigation, approvals, rulings, informal contacts, etc.).
- Non-profit organisations in the context of their activities and their relations with the tax authorities.
Companies and groups
Tax advice in everyday life
For many years, the Firm has been assisting companies of all sizes (from small businesses to listed groups) and various fields of activity (entertainment, hospitality, IT and other services, finance, industry, etc.) in the day-to-day management of their activities and development on a tax level (corporate tax, VAT, direct local taxes, etc.).
We are generally the main contact person for our clients in tax matters. Our role is to meet their tax needs on a daily basis and to identify together, in the context of periodic annual meetings, the areas of risk and opportunities.
This activity is most often part of an annual assistance contract.
Tax advice on exceptional transactions
The firm advises on acquisitions, disposals, internal restructurings, business combinations, LBO/OBO/FBO operations with investment funds, the implementation of investment structures, etc.
Our role is to identify tax issues, propose solutions to achieve the desired goal within the framework of the legislation in force (“structuring” the transaction) and execute and/or monitor its execution.
This activity is carried out on the one hand for the benefit of our regular clients and on the other hand for the benefit of the clients of our law firm partners and/or accounting firms who ask us to assist them in tax matters.
Wealth management
Professional taxation
The Firm assists individuals in the context of their acquisition and/or sale of companies, during the implementation and exit of “management packages” operations and the implementation of various remunerations (stock options, free shares, BSPCE, etc.), in particular with regard to income tax and IFI (real estate wealth tax).
Personal tax management
The Firm assists individuals in the tax management of their movable and immovable assets in terms of income tax, IFI and gift and/or inheritance tax, with particular expertise in the field of “Dutreil Pacts”.
Associative world
We advise a number of associations and other non-profit organisations whose problems are most often specific (disinterested nature of management, ability to issue tax receipts, setting up endowment funds, partnerships with companies, questioning their tax status by the administration, VAT situation, etc.).
Tax and social control and litigation
The Firm assists companies, families and non-profit organizations in all exchanges and possible negotiations with the tax authorities, from the right of communication to the tax audit.
In addition, the Firm also assists its clients in matters of URSSAF control and management of social security contributions.